Design Issues, Volume 28, Number 4 – (Autumn 2012)

1- Introduction

Bruce Brown, Richard Buchanan, Carl DiSalvo, Dennis Doordan, Victor Margolin.
Introduction. Design Issues. Volume 28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 1–3.

4- History on the Line: Time as Dimension

Stephen Boyd Davis. History on the Line: Time as Dimension. Design Issues. Volume
28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 4–17.

18- Conceptualizing Fashion in Everyday Lives

Cheryl Buckley, Hazel Clark. Conceptualizing Fashion in Everyday. Design Issues.
Volume 28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 18–28.

29- The Fashion Designer as Author: The Case of a Danish T-shirt

Stina Teilmann-Lock. The Fashion Designer as Author: The Case of a Danish T-shirt.
Design Issues. Volume 28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 4: 29–41.

42- Darker Shades of Joy: The Role of Negative Emotion in Rich Product Experiences

Steven Fokkinga, Pieter Desmet. Darker Shades of Joy: The Role of Negative Emotion
in Rich Product Experiences. Design Issues. Volume 28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp.

57- The Visual Representation of the Human Genome

David Stairs. The Visual Representation of the Human Genome. Design Issues. Volume
28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 57–68.
Exhibition Reviews
69- Perpetuating the California Mythology of Progress

James Steele. Perpetuating the California Mythology of Progress. Design Issues.
Volume 28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 69–77.

78- Soviet Graphics Arts Exhibitions Review

Jonathan Mekinda. Soviet Graphics Arts Exhibitions Review. Design Issues. Volume
28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 78–85.

86- Building the Revolution: Soviet Art and Architecture, 1915–1935

Jessica Jenkins. “Building the Revolution: Soviet Art and Architecture, 1915–1935”.
Design Issues.
Volume 28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 86–92.

93- Postmodernism: Style and Subversion, 1970–1990

Paul Atkinson. “Postmodernism: Style and Subversion, 1970–1990”. Design Issues.
Volume 28, Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 93–97.

98- Theory and Practice of the Object: Niko Kralj Retrospective at the Museum of
Architecture and Design in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Fedja Vukić. Theory and Practice of the Object: Niko Kralj Retrospective at the
Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Design Issues. Volume 28,
Number 4 (Autumn 2012) pp. 98–100.

101- Cable Tangle: Energy Consumption in the Household [German title: Kabelsalat –
Energiekonsum im Haushalt]

Artemis Yagou. “Cable Tangle: Energy Consumption in the Household” [German title:
Kabelsalat – Energiekonsum im Haushalt]. Design Issues. Volume 28, Number 4
(Autumn 2012) pp. 101–103.

Document Outline