Ciencias de la Información Vol. 43, No. 3, septiembre - diciembre, pp. 67- 73, 2012
Library and information science education in Malaysia:
past, present and prospect
Mohd Sharif Mohd Saad
Ahmad Nadzri Mohamad
Fuziah Mohd Nadzar
Este documento recoge los adelantos en los
This paper covers the developments of
estudios de bibliotecología y ciencias de la
Library and Information Studies education
información en Malasia durante el pasado
in Malaysia from the past, the present and
y el presente y analiza sus perspectivas para
considers its prospect in the near future. As
el futuro cercano. Como elementos clave de
key institutions in the knowledge-based
la sociedad basada en el conocimiento que
society that Malaysia aspires to achieve by
Malasia aspira a construir para el año 2020,
2020, library and information education is
los estudios de bibliotecología y ciencias de
a critical component of that equation, i.e.
la información son un componente crítico
in producing competent, knowledgeable,
de esta ecuación, es decir, en la formación
highly skilled information professionals to
de profesionales de la información
assist and provide support for various
altamente calificados, competentes y
information needs of the different sections
conocedores con el fin de ayudar y apoyar
of society. Highlights the historical beginnings
en las necesidades de información de los
of the library school development in
distintos sectores de la sociedad. En el se
Malaysia, and the role played by both the
destacan los antecedentes históricos del
Malayan Library Group and the Librarians
desarrollo de la facultad de bibliotecología
Association of Malaysia. Describes the
en Malasia, y el papel que desempeñan tanto
various universities that are currently
el Grupo de Bibliotecología de Malasia y la
offering undergraduate and postgraduate
Asociación de Bibliotecarios de Malasia.
level programs. Compares the entry and
También se describen las distintas
graduate requirements of the postgraduate
universidades que actualmente ofrecen
level programs offered by three academic
programas de pregrado y postgrado. Se
institutions. The diversity and commonality
comparan los requisitos para ingresar y
that exists in the different faculties providing
graduarse de los programas de postgrado
library and information studies education
que ofrecen las tres instituciones
exhibits the strengths and the multifarious
académicas. La diversidad y la similitud que
approaches adopted by each faculty in their
existen en las diferentes facultades que
program offerings. Certainly LIS has become
brindan estudios en bibliotecología y ciencias
increasingly challenging in the context of
de la información muestran las fortalezas
emerging information communication
y los enfoques multidisciplinarios adoptados
technologies. Each faculty must strive to
por cada facultad en sus ofertas de
consistently design and review their curricula
programas. Ciertamente los estudios de
to meet with the current information needs
bibliotecología y ciencias de la información
of the society. Library and information studies
se han convertido en un desafío creciente
education in Malaysia must continuously
en el contexto de las tecnologías emergentes
evolve with the changing needs of the
en el campo de la información y de la
profession and the information industry in
comunicación. Cada facultad debe esforzarse
order for the library and information
constantemente en el diseño y revisión de
profession to remain relevant in the future.
sus planes de estudios con vistas a satisfacer
las actuales necesidades de información de
Keywords: Library and information studies
la sociedad. Los estudios de bibliotecología
education; LIS Programs; Malaysia;
y ciencias de la información en Malasia deben
education and training; information
evolucionar continuamente a la par de las
professionals; librarians
necesidades cambiantes de la profesión y
la industria de la información a fin de que la
profesión de los bibliotecarios y especialistas
en información mantenga su importancia
en el futuro.
Palabras clave: Estudios de bibliotecología
y ciencias de la información; programas de
estudio de bibliotecología y ciencias de la
información (LIS); Malasia; educación e
instrucción; profesionales de la información;
Ciencias de la Información

Mohd, Nadzri and Mohd
number of universities and colleges were established to provide professional courses for
local and international students. For instance, a total of 80,750 international students from
racing back library and information
almost 170 countries enrolled in Malaysian universities and colleges for the 2008/2009
studies education in Malaysia
session (Higher Education of Malaysia, 2010). The library and information services sector
involves a profound comprehension
in Malaysia is on the rise to support the increasing number of educational, research and
on the developmental stages of the nation.
knowledge-based organisations. In primary and secondary schools, resource centres are
From agriculture-based economy, Malaysia
of varying sizes and strengths in terms of collections and services (Mohd Sharif & Norma,
prospers in various broad areas such as
2005). These resource centres aid in the teaching and learning processes via providing
infrastructure and economic developments.
relevant resources to students. According to statistics from Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia
Various reforms and strategies are being
(2010)(National Library of Malaysia), the breakdown of libraries and information centres
planned and implemented to achieve Vision
are as follows:
2020, amongst those, the Government
Transformation Program (GTP), and the
Table 1. Number of libraries in Malaysia.
Economic Transformation Program (ETP)
within the series of the 5-year Malaysia Plans.
Gearing the country towards a high-income
nation requires a concerted effort from various
organisations including libraries and
information industries. In order to support
the national agenda in producing knowledge
manpower and promoting a knowledge
society, information professionals, librarians
in particular, need to be trained with
contemporary skills and technologies. Hence,
curricular design in LIS merits a constant
review to meet the ever changing demands
of the profession and society (N.N. Edzan
& Abrizah Abdullah, 2003).
Keeping pace with national needs and societal
changes has influenced library and information
studies education since its inception in the
The largest numbers of libraries are school resource centres. Schools in Malaysia, both
1950’s. These changes influence the
primary and secondary, are equipped with libraries (school resource centres) to support
profession’s competencies and the curricular
teaching and learning activities. However, these resource centres vary in size, collections and
design of library schools in academic
services. A teacher librarian is designated to each of the resource centre. The resource centre
institutions over time. From a single organisation
is considered as a catalyst for the nurturing of reading habits, information literacy and life-long
providing short courses to librarians in the
learning. The public library services are provided by the state public library corporations. Each
past, LIS been established in several
public library corporation has a network of libraries at various districts, municipalities, and
universities at the present time. With the
villages, as well as the mobile libraries. Several city authorities such as Petaling Jaya and Subang
national agenda in mind, LIS is the catalyst
Jaya in the state of Selangor, and Ipoh in state of Perak, have established their own library
to produce competent and academically
services. The impact of the growing number of libraries and information centres in Malaysia has a
qualified librarians in a knowledge-based
positive outcome on the required manpower in these institutions. To date, a total of 1,439
society. This paper covers the developments
professional librarians are currently employed in various libraries nationwide (Library Development
of Library and Information Studies education
& Research, 2010). The types of libraries and professional positions are as follows:
from the past, the present and its prospect in
the near future. Certainly LIS has become
Table 2. Management and professional positions in Malaysia: includes librarians, executives, library officers.
increasingly challenging in the context of
emerging information communication
Library and information sectors
in Malaysia
The National Higher Education Strategic
Plan was initiated with a vision to promote
Malaysia as a preferred educational hub. As
important producers of knowledge, universities
have become key institutions in the knowledge-
based economy (Reichert 2006). Hence, a vast
volumen 43, no. 3, septiembre-diciembre, 2012

Library and information science education in Malaysia: past, present and prospect
History of library and
university graduates who wish to gain
Indahsah Hj Sidek & Mohd Sharif Mohd
employment in library services. University
Saad, 1993).
information studies education
of Malaya officially launched the Master of
Library and Information Science program
Over the years, a number of universities offered
Educational needs and reforms of Library
(MLIS) during their 1987/1988 session under
LIS courses at both the undergraduate and
and Information Studies in Malaysia have
the auspices of the Institute of Advanced
postgraduate levels. The International Islamic
evolved for the past few decades to blend
Studies. However, it was suspended the
University (IIUM) started offering its Masters
with the national aspirations, needs and
following year, but was then revived in
in Library Science and Information Science
circumstances. Prior to independence, the
November 1994 and hosted at the Faculty of
program (MLIS) since 1992. The Department
National Education System was inherited
Computer Science and Information Technology.
of Library and Information Science is at the
from the British and a major restructure on
Kulliyah of Information, Communication and
education and industrial manpower fulfillment
Without omitting the contributions made by
Technology (ICT). Universiti Teknologi MARA
became the government agenda.
Teacher Training Colleges and State Education
started its Masters of Science in Information
Departments throughout the country, the
Management in 1997. Subsequently, this was
The beginning of library and information
library science education program was offered
followed by the Master in Library Science
science education is always associated with
since the late 1970s to train teacher-librarians
program (MLS) in 2006. In 2003, the Islamic
the formation of the Malaya Library Group
to manage school resource centres. Institut
Science University of Malaysia (USIM)
(MLG) in 1955 which is at present known as
Perguruan Darul Aman (IPDA) in Kedah which
commenced the Bachelor of Sunnah Studies
the Librarians Association of Malaysia (PPM)
represented the Teacher Training Colleges
with Information Management. In recent years,
(Lim, 1970). Shortly after Malaya gained her
had developed a one-year certificate-level
University of Selangor (UNISEL) established
independence in 1957, the association initiated
course for the management of school resource
its Diploma in Library Science program in
to promote the profession, mainly in the areas
centres which started in 1990. This came about
1996, and in September 2011 they established
of professional training, education, and
after the joint program of the Specialist Teachers
the Bachelor in Library Science program. A
qualification of librarians (Wijasuriya, Lim
Course in Library Science and the Specialist
milestone of the historical development of
& Nadarajah, 1975). In the early years, MLG
Teachers Course in Educational Technology
library and information studies in Malaysia
organised library and information studies
was terminated in 1989 (Fuziah Mohd Nadzar,
is depicted in table 3 below.
classes solely to enhance the quality of library
services in Malaya (Kaba, 2001; N.N. Edzan
& Abrizah Abdullah, 2003). Grants from the
Table 3. Milestones in the Development of Library and Information Studies Programs in Malaysia.
Asia Foundation and Smith-Mundt enabled
the conduct of many short courses despite
the unavailability of a library school at that
time (Fuziah Mohd Nadzar, Indahsah Hj
Sidek & Mohd Sharif Mohd Saad, 1993).
Classes in librarianship organised in the 1960s
then were short vacation courses for teacher
librarians and formal courses for students
sitting for the United Kingdom Library
Association examinations. The British ALA
courses were at that time offered by Institut
Teknologi MARA (ITM) from 1968 to 1971.
Candidates need not be in the United Kingdom
to pursue a professional library qualification.
However, when the Library Association of
United Kingdom (UK) discontinued offering
the external library qualifications to countries
outside the United Kingdom, the School of
Library Science, ITM, consequently
established a 3-year Diploma in Library Science
program (equivalent to a General Degree
qualification). The priority at that point of
time was to produce undergraduate qualified
professionals. At its initial phase, the
librarianship program was replicated from
the ALA syllabus, and was later redesigned
and embedded with local contents (Norma
Abu Seman & Mohd Sharif Mohd Saad,
2005). In 1972, ITM started its Post Graduate
Diploma in Library Science to cater for
Ciencias de la Información

Mohd, Nadzri and Mohd
Cont.-Table 3. Milestones in the Development of Library and Information Studies Programs in Malaysia.
management, taxonomies, etc., have been
blended into the programs. Overall the
training of Library and Information Studies
professionals in Malaysia are being offered
by five universities, namely Universiti Teknologi
MARA University of Malaya, International
Islamic University, Islamic Science University
of Malaysia and University of Selangor.
Malaysia is moving towards a Knowledge-
based economy, it has to formulate policies
for the development of its human resources
to the fullest potential, talent, expertise and
energies in all sectors including librarians and
library personnel (Ismail, 2006). In addition,
the programs are aimed at producing
professionals for the library and information
market and to cater to the manpower needs of
libraries, information centres, record centres,
archives and information systems departments
(Mohd Sharif & Norma, 2005). Table 4 identifies
the programs conducted by UiTM, IIUM, UM,
UNISEL and USIM. These programs are
conducted on full-time and part-time basis as
well as the flexible learning mode (E-learning).
This is the opportunity provided by the
universities for librarians who want to continue
learning and gain current knowledge in their
areas of needs. Comparatively, these programs
are offered at two levels, i.e. the postgraduate
and undergraduate levels. The postgraduate
level programs include Master and Doctoral
degrees and the undergraduate level programs
include bachelor degree and diploma, as
detailed in Table 4.
Comparison between master
in library and information
science programs
Keeping pace with the national and
international developments, universities in
Malaysia have been conducting regular
curriculum reviews resulting in the integration
of library and information studies components
into the curriculum. The curriculum at the
postgraduate and undergraduate levels are
designed to train students with the skills and
competencies in library management, ICT,
information literacy, information storage
and processing and retrieval (manual and
computerized techniques), through a variety
Current library and information studies education
of teaching modes and assessments throughout
the duration of the programs. According to
The field of librarianship has changed significantly as a result of technological changes
Mohd Sharif and Norma (2005), the curriculum
and social developments, as well as other factors that had affected the provision of
at the master’s degree level is designed to
information and information use. Such changes were accommodated and resulted in the
train bachelor degree holders from different
Library and Information Studies programs being aligned with the market demands. Apart
disciplines to acquire advanced knowledge
from the inclusion of the ICT elements, many new areas such as marketing, knowledge
of library and information services.
volumen 43, no. 3, septiembre-diciembre, 2012

Library and information science education in Malaysia: past, present and prospect
Table 4. Library and Information Studies Programs in Malaysia.
University of Malaya has revised its MLIS
coursework program to cater for a higher
The characteristics of the postgraduate and undergraduate programs are
research activity in tandem with its status
tabulated as in Table 5 above:
as a research university. The students in the
masters programs at these universities come
1. The total credit hours required for graduation is 40.
from various academic backgrounds, such
as law, engineering, psychology, sciences,
2. The minimum duration for full time students is 3 semesters.
computer science, social science, arts and
humanities, and Islamic studies. The master
3. Course structures are varied, some with course work; with independent study or self
programs do not only cater for Malaysians.
directed learning and partial thesis/dissertation; or full time research.
Over the years, students from Brunei
Darussalam; China; Sri Lanka; Indonesia; Iran;
4. Content of the curriculum include core areas, such as management; information storage
India; and several countries in the Middle East
and retrieval; information services; user needs and information seeking behavior and ICT.
and Africa, have enrolled into these programs
and graduated from these universities.
5. Research skills embedded in the curriculum.
Ciencias de la Información

Mohd, Nadzri and Mohd
Table 5. Comparison of Master in Library and Information Studies among Malaysian Universities.
Library and information services are changing
continue to prepare students to become
Library and information studies education
in many areas such as management, resources
information professionals. The LIS curriculum
in Malaysia began with a modest aim to fulfill
and technologies (Mohd Sharif & Norma,
is expanding into the state-of-the-art areas,
library positions at the initial phase. Then,
2005). LIS schools need to equip students
such as information management, knowledge
the discipline grew and professional courses
with new skills in order to be employed in
management and digital information services.
began to be offered by the universities.
libraries and beyond. From a single
New subject areas will be introduced mainly
Throughout its development, LIS education
organisation providing short courses to
on technology-based concepts and components,
is driven by governmental policies,
librarians in the past, LIS has now been
such as Web 3.0, Resource Description and
technological changes and societal needs.
established in several universities at the
Access (RDA) and Fundamental Requirements
In this context, it is imperative that library
present time. Professional courses are offered
for Bibliographic Records (FRBR). The library,
schools to cooperate with the industry and
at both the undergraduate and postgraduate
as it always is, will continue in its role as a
professional associations, to identify the
levels. In the coming years, LIS education will
dynamic and responsive information provider.
industrial requirements and the needs of the
volumen 43, no. 3, septiembre-diciembre, 2012

Library and information science education in Malaysia: past, present and prospect
nation, thus continue to prepare graduates
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who are market-ready. Embracing the national
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and challenges for universities.
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2020. As in many Asian countries, globalization
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study of upper secondary
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Ciencias de la Información