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8/4/2003 9:51 AM 5045 125 years Municipal Theater Basel.gif
8/4/2003 9:40 AM 4210 Art education in the USA.gif
8/4/2003 9:40 AM 7599 Basel Museum of Applied Art, Lace.jpg
8/4/2003 9:40 AM 9497 Carl Orff, Carmina Burana.jpg
8/4/2003 9:44 AM 2302 David Smith, sculptures, Horst Janssen, drawings.gif
8/4/2003 9:51 AM 3075 Do you have a season ticket.gif
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 3079 Fernand Leger, Alexander Calder.gif
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 6882 Franz Kline, Alfred Jensen.gif
8/4/2003 9:51 AM 7188 German applied graphics.gif
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 11530 Giselle.jpg
8/4/2003 9:46 AM 6032 Good design.gif
8/4/2003 9:50 AM 3930 Herman Miller Collection, Contemporary Furniture.gif
8/4/2003 9:50 AM 5224 Hermann Baur, architect.gif
8/4/2003 9:49 AM 8411 Housing development in Switzerland 1938-47.jpg
8/4/2003 9:40 AM 3108 Kunsthalle Basel, Rothko, Chillida.gif
8/4/2003 9:40 AM 3462 Kunsthalle Basel, Young dutch sculptors.gif
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 2378 Maurice Esteve, painting, Berto Lardera, sculpture.gif
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 8018 Municipal Theater Basel 2.jpg
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 11395 Municipal Theater Basel 3.jpg
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 6417 Municipal Theater Basel 4.gif
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 8677 Municipal Theater Basel 4.jpg
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 7180 Municipal Theater Basel 5.jpg
8/4/2003 9:40 AM 10823 Municipal Theater Basel.jpg
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 1963 Phillip Martin, Ennio Morlotti, Hans R. Schiess.gif
8/4/2003 9:50 AM 2816 Posters from the collection of the Basel Museum of Applied A.gif
8/4/2003 9:47 AM 7407 Stabat Mater.gif
8/4/2003 9:50 AM 6486 Switzerland in Roman times.gif
8/4/2003 9:52 AM 3073 Switzerland, small country, big scenery.gif
8/4/2003 9:45 AM 4325 Temple and tea house in Japan.gif
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 7274 The Cavellini Collection.gif
8/4/2003 9:49 AM 2290 Theater construction from antiquity to present.gif
8/4/2003 9:50 AM 2266 Vote Yes.gif
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 8022 Walter J. Moeschlin memorial exhibition.jpg
8/4/2003 9:40 AM 8421 William Tell.jpg
8/4/2003 9:46 AM 5371 Wood as building material.gif
8/4/2003 9:43 AM 4576 Young artists from Berlin.gif