// // // GEtmpltE.txt // German-English Sample Templates for Power Translator 6.x // // // ********************************************************************* // NOUN ==> NOUN NOUN // // Example: Blechdose ==> tin can // // SOURCE.1 = Blechdose; TARGET.1 = tin ; TARGET.2 = can // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Depth Traverse; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 / \ ==> <1> / AddStringNode "TARGET.1" <1.1 Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.2"> \; // ********************************************************************* // NOUN ==> NOUN PREPOSITION NOUN // // Example: Diplomkaufmann ==> Bachelor of Commerce // // SOURCE.1 = Diplomkaufmann; // TARGET.1 = bachelor; TARGET.2 = of; TARGET.3 = commerce // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Depth Traverse; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 ==> <1 Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.1"> AddStringNode "TARGET.2" AddStringNode "TARGET.3"; // ********************************************************************* // // VERB FRAMES // // ********************************************************************* // ********************************************************************* // VERB ==> VERB + PARTICLE // // Example: etw. abbrechen ==> break s.th. off // // SOURCE.1 = abbrechen; TARGET.1 = break; TARGET.2 = off // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" ==> "TARGET.1" AddParticle("TARGET.2"); // ********************************************************************* // VERB + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT ==> VERB + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT // // Example: suchen nach ==> look for // // SOURCE.1 = suchen; SOURCE.2 = nach; TARGET.1 = look; TARGET.2 = for // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Obj("SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1" Make("SOURCE.2","SOURCE.1"); // ********************************************************************* // VERB + DIRECT OBJECT ==> VERB + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT // // Example: suchen ==> look for // // SOURCE.1 = suchen; TARGET.1 = look; TARGET.2 = for // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Obj(SX_Direct) ==> "TARGET.1" Make(SX_Direct,"TARGET.2"); // ********************************************************************* // VERB + INDIRECT OBJECT + DIRECT OBJECT // ==> VERB + DIRECT OBJECT + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT // // Example: etw. einer Sache entgegensetzen ==> counter sth. with sth. // // SOURCE.1 = entgegensetzen; TARGET.1 = counter; TARGET.2 = with // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Obj(SX_Direct) Obj(SX_Indirect) ==> "TARGET.1" Make(SX_Indirect, SX_Direct) Make(SX_Direct, "TARGET.2");