Lista de términos comerciales y financieros

Figuran las palabras que aparecen con mayor frecuencia en textos sobre el mundo de la empresa y de las (sin incluir las de la lista Oxford 3000). Aprender estas palabras te ayudará a comprender mejor los textos sobre estas materias.

accordance n

 in accordance with

accountancy n

accountant n

acquisition n

adjustment n

administration n

administrative adj

adviser (tb advisor) n

agenda n

airline n

allocate v

allocation n

allowance n

analyst n

announcement n

assess v

assessment n

asset n

assumption n

audit n, v

auditor n

authorize (GB tb -ise) v

banker n

biotechnology (tb biotech) n

bond n

bonus n

boom n, v

boost v, n

borrower n

breach n, v

broadband n

broker n

burden n, v

carrier n

cater v

 cater for

 catering n

chartered adj

clause n

Co. abrev

commodity n

compensation n

competitor n

completion n

comply v

component n, adj

comprise v

confidential adj

consistent adj

 consistently adv

constraint n

consultant n

consumption n

contractor n

cooperation n

cooperative adj, n

corporate adj

corporation n (abrev Corp.)

correspond v

 corresponding adj

creation n

creditor n

currency n

database n

dealer n

debtor n

decision-making n

deficit n

delegate n, v

dependent adj

depreciation n

differ v

directive n

disclose v

disclosure n

dismissal n

disposal n

 at your/sbs disposal

dispute n, v

dividend n

dominant adj

dot-com (tb dotcom) n

e- pref

earnings n

economics n

economist n

effectiveness n

efficiency n

electronics n

enhance v

enterprise n

equity n

evaluate v

exceed v

excess n, adj

 in excess of

exclusive adj

 exclusively adv

exemption n

expansion n

expenditure n

expertise n

external adj

fiscal adj

flexibility n

flexible adj

framework n

franchise n, v

fraud n


globalization (GB tb -isation) n

gross adj, v, n

guidance n

guidelines n

high-tech (tb hi-tech) adj

holder n

holding n

implement v

implementation n

incentive n

incorporate v

 incorporated adj (abrev Inc.)

incur v

inflation n

innovation n

input n, v

institutional adj

integrate v

 integrated adj

interim adj

investor n

invoice n, v

landlord n

laptop n

leadership n

lease n, v

legislation n

leisure n

lender n

liability n

liable adj

limitation n

liquidity n

long-term adj

Ltd abrev

maintenance n

maker n

managerial adj

manual adj

margin n

maturity n

mechanism n

memo (tb memorandum) n

merge v

merger n

monetary adj

monopoly n

monthly adj, adv

mortgage n, v

motivation n

multinational adj, n

negotiate v

negotiation n

net (tb nett) adj

obligation n

online adj, adv

operational adj

operator n

organizational (GB tb -isational) adj

outcome n

overseas adj, adv

ownership n

participant n

participate v

payable adj

perceive v

percentage n

personal computer n (abrev PC)

personnel n

plc (tb PLC) abrev

portfolio n

premium n, adj

principal adj

 principally adv

privatization (GB tb -isation) n

probability n

productivity n

profile n

profitable adj

provider n

provision n

purchaser n

ratio n

recession n

recommendation n

recovery n

recruit v, n

recruitment n

redundancy n

registration n

regulate v

regulator n

regulatory adj

repayment n

replacement n

resolution n

restraint n

restructure v

 restructuring n

retail adv, n, v

retailing n

retailer n

revenue n

scope n

seller n

settlement n

shareholder n

short-term adj

specialize (GB tb -ise) v

specification n

specify v

stake n

 at stake

start-up  n

statistic n

 statistics n

statutory adj

sterling n

stock exchange n

stock market n

strategic adj

 strategically adv

structural adj

 structurally adv

submit v

subscribe v

subscriber n

subscription n

subsequent adj

 subsequently adv

subsidiary adj, n

supplier n

surplus n, adj

sustainable adj

takeover n

taxation n

taxpayer n

telecommunications n

tenant n

tender n, v

trader n

transaction n

Treasury n

turnover n

uncertainty n

underlie v

 underlying adj

undertake v

 undertaking n

utility n (esp USA)

valuation n

variable adj, n


vendor n

voluntary adj

 voluntarily adv

warranty n

workforce n

worldwide adj, adv

yield v, n