// // // EStmpltE.txt // English-Spanish Sample Templates for Power Translator 6.x // // // ********************************************************************* // NOUN NOUN = NOUN // // Example: bubble gum = chicle // // SOURCE.1 = bubble; SOURCE.2 = gum; TARGET.1 = chicle // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Top Traverse; Stage = Disambiguation; Key = SOURCE.2 ==> <1 SetAttr Noun> <2 SetAttr Noun>; // RULESET2 // Procedure = Depth Traverse; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.2 ==> <1 Delete> <2 Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.1">; // ********************************************************************* // NOUN NOUN = NOUN DE NOUN // // Example: stock exchange==> bolsa de valores // // SOURCE.1 = stock; SOURCE.2 = exchange; // TARGET.1 = bolsa; TARGET.2 = valores // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Top Traverse; Stage = Disambiguation; Key = SOURCE.2 ==> <1 SetAttr Noun> <2 SetAttr Noun>; // RULESET2 // Procedure = Depth Traverse; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.2 ==> <2 Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.1"> AddTargetWord("de", Preposition) <1 Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.2">; // ********************************************************************* // NOUN NOUN ==> NOUN ADJ // // Example: sea breeze ==> brisa marina // // SOURCE.1 = sea; SOURCE.2 = breeze; TARGET.1 = brisa; TARGET.2 = marino // // Notice that the adjective has to be in the uninflected form. // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Top Tarverse; Stage = Disambiguation; Key = SOURCE.2 ==> <1 SetAttr Noun> <2 SetAttr Noun>; // RULESET2 // Procedure = Depth Traverse; Stage = Frame; Key(s) =SOURCE.2, TARGET.1 ==> <1 Delete> <2 Target.ChangeWord "TARGET.1"> AddTargetWord("TARGET.2", Adjective); ==> <1> <2 Target.AgreeWith = Node(1)> ; // ********************************************************************* // // VERB FRAMES // // ********************************************************************* // ********************************************************************* // VERB + PARTICLE ==> VERB // // Example: pick up ==> recoger // // SOURCE.1 = pick; SOURCE.2 = up; TARGET.1 = recoger // // "pick" Particle ("up") // ==> "recoger"; // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Particle("SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1"; // ********************************************************************* // VERB + ADVERB ==> VERB // // Example: come back ==> regresar // // SOURCE.1 = come; SOURCE.2 = back; TARGET.1 = regresar // // "come" Adv ("back") // ==> "regresar" Delete ("back"); // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Adv("SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1" Delete ("SOURCE.2"); // ********************************************************************* // VERB + DIRECT OBJECT ==> VERB // // Example: have fun ==> divertirse // // SOURCE.1 = have; SOURCE.2 = fun; TARGET.1 = divertirse // // "have" Obj (SX_Direct, Primary.Word=="fun") // ==> "divertirse" Make (SX_Direct,SX_Direct,Primary.Target.Hidden=True); // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Obj(SX_Direct,Primary.Word=="SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1" Make (SX_Direct,SX_Direct,Primary.Target.Hidden=True); // ********************************************************************* // VERB + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT ==> VERB + DIRECT OBJECT // // Example: look for ==> buscar // // SOURCE.1 = look; SOURCE.2 = for; TARGET.1 = buscar // // "look" Obj ("for") // ==> "buscar" Make ("for",SX_Direct); // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Obj("SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1" Make("SOURCE.2",SX_Direct); // ********************************************************************* // VERB + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT ==> VERB + PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT // // Example: depend on ==> depender de // // SOURCE.1 = depend; SOURCE.2 = on; TARGET.1 = depender; TARGET.2 = de // // "depend" Obj ("on") // ==> "depender" Make ("on","de"); // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Obj("SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1" Make("SOURCE.2","TARGET.2"); // ********************************************************************* // VERB + PREDICATE ADJECTIVE ==> VERB // // Example: become angry ==> enfadarse // // SOURCE.1 = become; SOURCE.2 = angry; TARGET.1 = enfadarse // // "become" Obj (SX_PredicateAdjective, Primary.IsAttr Adjective:"angry") // ==> "enfadarse" Delete (SX_PredicateAdjective); // ********************************************************************* // RULESET1 // Procedure = Verb Frame; Stage = Frame; Key = SOURCE.1 "SOURCE.1" Obj(SX_PredicateAdjective, Primary.IsAttr Adjective:"SOURCE.2") ==> "TARGET.1" Delete (SX_PredicateAdjective);